I love the size of a tea towel. It means a great amount of space for colour and layout and looks so good once it is screenprinted. I want to get more and more into expanding my range of tea towels – so that everyone in Australia (overseas too for that matter) has one in their kitchen – or framed like so many have sent pictures to me.

Occasionally I have people questioning the price of a tea towel. ‘But I can get a 3 pack at Kmart for $7’. It’s taken me a while to realise these are ‘not my tribe’ as a mentor reminds me. Stop to check out your local designers. There is no real money made in creating beautiful Australian-made pieces. No one manufacturers the cotton and linen fabrics anymore for a start, so those have to be imported before you start printing. I think it was Johnny Howard that culled the last of that for us.

So always #shopsmall #shoplocal


Tuesday 16th May 2017