I am finding it SO hard to stay on top of the shop, home life, upcoming markets, future opportunities yet NOT QUITE financially ready to be able to have someone help me. But it’s growing… A big thank you to all my lovely customers who support Mount Vic and Me and Blue Mountains Socks!

I’ve been accepted into Scenic Worlds market at the end of the month as well as Blue Mountains Cultural Centre night market in December. I haven’t done a market in so long so it should be a bit of fun.

Last weekend we took off out west to look at a little property in Neville NSW. I have always dreamed of living out further west on a bit of land where I could have all my chooks, some sheep and a great garden. This would be on retirement or down the track of course… The house was a little too run down and not something we could rent that quickly.

I was inspired by how beautiful Millthorpe is and looked at it with fresh eyes. They do some lovely stuff around the village, making it very welcoming to visitors. I think us in Mount Victoria could pick up a few tips on how to get it looking sweet with more plants and lifting it a little. I’m thinking I should do cuttings of my red geraniums in tubs out the front of the shop. But being on the highway, I know they’d get stolen or destroyed… so need to think how to do it. We have a rogue person who steals plants from the park, and even ripping out the newly planted cherry blossom trees along the highway. Funny thing to do really.

I did this still life of native Australian flowers and wondered how it would translate on mugs as well as the Celosia Velvet fabric by Spoonflower.com. Well, I was blown away by how beautiful the finish really is. The colours are crazy electric. I’m planning on doing a couple of cushion covers with the fabric… just need to work out what might be nice as backing.

Always something new at Mount Vic and Me.

September 5th 2018