So tonight my laptop was dropped. It hit the floor (concrete with flooring on top) with a large bang with one corner taking the hit. No longer pretty, no longer works and had 5% battery left so I madly took everything off it before it died.

After a massive goblet of wine, just to quieten the nerves ok, a little cry then I got onto a quick call to our insurer and yes they can help BUT I have to pay $1000 excess. Fun times with Christmas upon us!

So… I thought I’d throw an offer out there to see if ANYONE can help! 5 calendars for $100 (making them $20 each!!). If I got 10-11 of these orders (let’s not forget good ole GST I have to pay) then it would be sooo awesome cos you get an amazing deal and I get this excess paid.

If you’ve been thinking about any of my original artworks, please contact me and we can work out a deal. I mean it!

Thank you awesome universe and awesome people – my fingers are crossed.

Always something new at Mount Vic and Me.

December 2nd 2018